My blog has not been updated for a few months, however, I wonder if I have any regular readers who have noticed? I can offer no real excuse but how many people know my blog and, indeed, website exists?
I recently read “Globejotting” by Dave Fox which I found to be very motivational. However, maybe it was only motivational while I was reading it. It is time to put what he wrote into practice.
The majority of travellers will carry a camera in one form or another whether it will be a phone camera or a top of the range DSLR.
Dave’s question though is how many of us actually take the time to write about their travels? This is where the numbers drop considerably and this is where his book steps in to offer encouragement.
Finding time to write would seem to be half the battle for those who want to write a blog about their travels or whatever. This post has been written in an Oxford restaurant while I was waiting for for my food to arrive. I’m off to the theatre afterwards so I’ve asked if they can serve me quickly so I can get there in time. They have assured me they can so I shall wait and see.
Footnote:- Yes, they did, one two course meal washed down with a beer and I’m off to the theatre with time to spare!